Get in on the introductory “alpha” class, “Supernatural Encounters,” where you can learn how to practice being in the presence of God to not only hear but, see in the spirit as well. Jesus told His disciples that he did what he saw his Father do. In other words, he saw before he heard. Seeing actually makes hearing more effective. We know that by the way we function in life by associating sights with sounds.
So, if Jesus did what he saw his Father do, shouldn’t we do the same? By learning HOW to see into the kingdom realms of God, we are able to develop relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s no different than spending time with a spouse or best friend. You learn about that person by spending time with them. God wants the same for us; to spend time with Him in His realm. He’s already here on earth so now, all we have to do is go up into His presence to see what he does, learn about it, and then do what we’ve learned.
My class, Supernatural Encounters, is designed to help people learn how to “practice” engaging in the kingdom realms of God so that we’re able to function the way we’re supposed to. You’ll see where I’ve mentioned that this all started for me while listening to Ian Clayton and Mike Parsons. They are two people who have spent many years building relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (as well as others in the kingdom realms). They watch, learn, then do. It’s no different with us. When we go to school, we sit and learn from someone who has expertise in that field. If we pay attention in class, we can then go do what we’ve learned in the class.
Many are walking on the face of the earth today who have learned to function out of heaven instead of what we only have available to us on earth. We all know that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are as close as the air we breathe. However, why is it we think that everything has to happen here, on earth? In the book of Revelations, John was given the invitation to “come up here.” When he did, he got a lot more than he expected, I’m sure!
I’ve gone to several conferences where people talk about engaging God in His realm. There’s lots of stuff presented for the purposes of practicing but many don’t do it and then wonder why it takes so long to get anywhere. It’s no different than practicing a musical instrument; it takes daily practice, patience, and perseverance.
If you’re ready to take that plunge and begin daily practice (engaging) of developing a closer relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then I encourage you to consider this new class. In it, you’ll learn HOW to practice engaging the kingdom realms. As I continue to say, everything must come out of relationship so that’s the main point. Upon doing that, the other things will fall into place. It’s the opportunity to develop a deep love relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Are you ready? Sign up HERE with the “alpha” group at a special introductory price of $100 (expanded class) and walk with others as we take this journey together. This price is good through November 30th, 2016.