June 16

Church Age vs Kingdom Age


In 2020, I had an encounter with the Lord that lasted a full month. Intermixed with my teaching duties and other life happenings, it was like I lived in this place for the entire month of October, 2020. When it was all over, a book came out of it – Kingdom Shift: How to Prepare for God’s Global Reset. In the encounter, I was taken to an ancient document room in heaven where Yahweh put blank pieces of paper in front of me with titles on them. I was then instructed to go and research the information in the titles. I knew this information had to do with a global reset of sorts. And, this was before world governments began to talk about their version of a global reset. I knew I was onto something.

Here is a quick synopsis of that encounter with Yahweh in the document room in the heavenlies…

As I enter the room, I focus on the many books skillfully placed on the shelves in an ancient document section of a library in heaven. Many are bound with animal skins. Some appear thrown together with string-like threads connecting the pages. Others are simply rolled up scrolls written on parchment and animal hide. There are even cuneiform tablets, pictographs on slabs, and important writings on cave walls that were transferred to a recording device for storage in this room. I did not expect answers to my current event questions to be in this room.

In my spirit, as I peruse the books, I hear that books can be written on people’s hearts. When people die and go to heaven, books in their hearts are finally written and are now in this room. In the center of the room is a giant oval-shaped wood table that can seat about twenty. Strewn across the top of the table are piles of paperwork waiting for me to sort. Yahweh sits across the table from me, pointing out key pages to investigate. At the top of each page is a title that describes the contents of the document. (Chapter 1)

By the end of this month-long encounter, I had taken a list of titles on blank pieces of paper, researched the topics, and wrote the book. The key was to see HOW God was moving from our current “age” into what’s coming next. At the time of Jesus, they were moving from the age of Aries (bull symbol) to the age of Pisces (fish symbol). We now call it the “church age.” This is one reason the church adopted the fish symbol as a representation for Christianity. As we transition from the age of Pisces to Aquarius (water symbol), we must ask the same questions about what’s next. Many now coin this next age as the “Kingdom Age.” We are leaving the church age and entering a higher conscious level of functioning. How will that look? To get an idea, we revisit the transition from Aries to Pisces to gather clues. What will Christianity look like as we move into a new age?

The "great year" is a 25,000 year cycle that changes "ages" about every 2,000 years. Transitions from age to age are consistently filled with similar instances such as civil unrest, great advances in philosophy, political unrest, amazing artistic endeavors, scientific discoveries, religious transitions, advances of all types, natural disasters, pandemics, and much more. What’s happening in the 2000’s mirrors what occurred in Jesus’ time but with a modern twist. What can we learn from a previous age shift to prepare us for what’s coming next? The chart below compares the early church with the modern church based on the documentary and early church writings mentioned in the sources at the end of this article.

Where does this leave us in the year 2024? 

We can see from the comparison in the above chart that the way Paul structured the church is not the way the modern church functions. The "Pauline" church is the earliest form of Christianity. Why did it change from Paul's established protocols? Why was there a need to create a central church? Why did women lose the ability to be leaders? Why did Constantine take some books (letters to churches) out of his new Bible while adding others that weren't considered part of the original teachings? There are many speculations as to why this is the case. In order to answer any question best, we must look at human behavior for answers. A good question to start with is "who wanted the control?" 

In Moses’ time, God wanted to meet with the people as a whole. Yahweh invited everyone to go up the mountain with Moses. The people were afraid and told Moses to go for them. Meanwhile, they created the golden calf to worship because Moses was gone too long. They had a desire for someone else to teach them how to have a relationship with God. Fear kept them from understanding what God truly had for them. My guess is this is one reason they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. It's obvious from the behavior of the Israelites over time that they preferred to have a leader tell them what they needed to know. Remember, they'd been under a pharoah for 400 years so that's what they understood! The behavior exhibited by the Israelites does seem to fit human nature based on historical evidence in most cultures.  

Yahweh’s desire is that everyone have a personal relationship with Him. This is the reason Jesus died on the cross. His death created a bridge we could cross for direct access to Yahweh, just like He had with Adam and Eve before the fall. No longer did the priests need to sacrifice animals in a temple for the atonement of sins. What would have transpired had the entire group of Israelites gone up the mountain with Moses? Would we have the Ten Commandments as we know them today or would they have looked different? How would the priests function in the temple had everyone agreed to meet with God on the mountain? Would the Israelites have made it to the promised land much sooner? 

Mankind strongly desires leaders, including religious leaders (and gods). The reasons for this vary depending on cultures. It does appear by looking at all the statues of gods throughout history, a need for a visual god might be due to our desire for God to be tangible. God didn’t want His people to have kings and gave them judges instead, of which one was a woman (Debra). Eventually, Saul was anointed king by the prophet Samuel after the Israelites pestered God for a king. From that point forward, Israel struggled. We find the situation to be similar to any current king, prime minister, or president in modern society. We can’t imagine what it would be like to function without these leaders because it’s all we’ve known. Similarly, we can’t imagine what it’s like to function without the structure of the modern church because we've never experienced a different way. In order to step into the Christianity of the Kingdom Age, it's going to require a shift in mindsets with an understanding that the Kingdom Age could be quite different than the Church Age.  

Looking back at the Pauline church, we see a family or group setting where everyone contributed equally. I’m guessing that people who didn’t want to pull their weight were uninvited from those communities. There was probably no sense of entitlement within well functioning groups. Entitlement comes when we want others to do for us that we should do ourselves. In Paul's time, it appears many pre-established communities morphed into something new once Christianity came on the scene. As the apostles traveled through various regions, they met with these communities to establish Christian basics and to help them correct doctrinal errors. 

Because these communities were often pre-established, it seems natural to assume the apostles arranged to visit, preached the gospel, and won them over to Christ. History shows "many were added to the faith daily." Therefore, it's not too much of a stretch to see how existing belief systems might have been a foundation for believing the gospel of Christ. These groups had some pre-established godly ideas that helped multiply Christian concepts. Consider what it would be like taking completely new concepts and letting people sink or swim with no previous knowledge of the ideas. For example, we couldn't possibly understand flying a group of people to the moon, dropping them off, and saying “now, go live your life.” They would have no previous knowledge of how to function in that setting and might not be able to survive. It only makes sense that Christianity spread quickly because many pre-existing groups (as suggested in the documentary) were already on a godly path even if some of their beliefs weren't Christian. 

I suspect a sense of taking what's known and shifting focus will continue as we move into the Kingdom Age. I envision the modern "church" acting as a bridge where people learn to understand Christian ideals and then begin to transition into something we don't yet know what it will look like. Some will stay on the church bridge to help newbies while those ready for more may fly over the bridge because they're primed for what's coming. I liken this process to the twelve grades in school. There are teachers at different levels to help students transition from one grade to the next. The church age is like high school where we learn basic doctrine and how to function as a Christian. For many people, this is as far as they want to go, which is fine. Those who want more will continue their "education" in "Kingdom School."

"Kingdom School" begins beyond the high school (church age) level, which is where I believe we're heading as the primary manner of functioning in the Kingdom Age. Kingdom college is about functioning as Sons of God, adding a deeper understanding of the supernatural realms and diving deeper into the mysteries of God through relationship WITH God in a way many are now experiencing. As a SPIRIT, soul, and body, we must learn to function equally in all "dimensions" of our being. We can't live totally by what we physically see, hear, sense, and feel. Even quantum physics says we live in a hologram! The Kingdom Age is about adding things "beyond what we see." Some call this the mystical realm, which has been prevalent throughout history. Many "mystics" were God-fearing men and women who believed and practiced what quantum physics is now discovering. The point here is many people understand there's more to being a Christian than what our physical senses tell us. It's about relationship with the One who created us so we partner in the creation process with Him. 

There has to be people at all grade levels of Kingdom School to help with the various transitions from Pisces to Aqurius. As we mature, we become partners in the business, "God and Sons" while studying in the graduate degrees of heaven. I discuss how this works in the Maturing as a Mystic series. To read about the books and order them in paperback or Kindle, click on the titles below...

Maturing as a Mystic - main book. Maturing as a Mystic - workbook.  

God is Loving and gently guides us through any transformation process. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, I suspect that the modern church will act as a “bridge” that leads us into the Kingdom Age but once we get there, it’s going to be very different than how we're used to seeing the church function. It seems Paul understood the direction of the church (ekklesia), but man’s desire for bishops and pastors changed the course because the responsibility for leadership was taken from the people and put on these revered men. This decision put us back under Old Testament law. That's obvious by looking at the Catholic church where sins are forgiven only by a priest during "confession." In order for us to function as we were intended, it seems we must first disengage from the laws set up by the Constantinian church.  

Holy Order

I must first mention here that order is needed. Just like a military, there must be some form of "rank and file." However, this comes with responsibility from people at all ranks and levels. No one person or level is more important than the other because an organization can't function well unless everyone at the various levels is doing their part. Based on my 50+ years of being in the church, major adjustments are needed in our paradigm of order so we're prepared for what's coming during the age transition. The modern church has put too much empahsis on single leaders as our "savior." When those leaders go through "moral challenges," it often destroys an entire congregation or movement like we saw in the 1980's and 1990's. Had those organizations been under sound "order" to begin with, there would have been less "fall out." Why did this happen? People worshiped the minister, not God.  

How does God want relationship with us? Jesus’s death triggered an earthquake where the veil in the temple ripped, exposing the Holy of Holies to those other than priests. This act allowed mankind direct communication with God which meant we don’t need priests or bishops to tell us how to act and live. We can meet personally with God on our own. However, we need community to provide checks and balances to keep us focused, which was the Pauline way. A church “covering” is the community at large where we honor one another equally with the gifts within each of us so we function as the “body” of Christ. Our "protection" is within a community that know each other, not necessarily a prophet, apostle, bishop, or pastor that we don't have personal relationship with. This is evidenced in how Paul and the other apostles set up the "churches" that were run by both men and women within the community, many holding positions of leadership to assist with the needed checks and balances. 

Based on history, once the Age of Aquarius is fully established, I suspect what we know as "church" will transform into something new as everyone steps into a deeper personal relationship with God where we co-create with Him. If we don't learn to transition, we'll go around the mountain again, just like the early church did when Constantine basically set us back into Old Testament law. How a transition looks, only time will tell as communities come together without relying on a single leader directing spiritual traffic. 

We must become responsible for our own spiritual health and question what's taught by discovering what's true from what's hype or false. We must honor leaders without worshiping them. We know we're worshiping someone when we do what they say no matter what. In a sense, they become our conscience. Those who worship pastors or bishops will do anything to get on the good side of those people. When told to "jump!" man pleasers respond, "how high?" We were given the ability to think and process through what's been presented so we don't become brainwashed. How else do you think the German people were completely indoctrinated into the ideals of Hitler in less than ten years? They blindly accepted and believed everything the German government told them. Cults are formed when people follow leaders without questioning the ideals. Reason with one another to find truth and "spit out" what doesn't line up with God's character. 

When God invited the Israelites to, “come to my mountain as a people,” they had an opportunity to establish a new precendent as a community. They chose one person to lead them rather than going to the mountain of God as a group, which cost them personal relationship with their Source. Nearly 3,000 years later, we have that same opportunity to do what the Israelites chose not to do. We're at a transition point, which is the perfect opportunity to assess where we want to be. Will we live by fear as we move from one age to the next or will we step into a Perfect Love that feeds our faith that then catapults us into how we’re to function as Sons of God in this new age?

Be sure to take some time to peruse through the sources for this post. As we all should, it's our responsibility to look at what's presented to us and discover our own answers rather than believe everything we hear or read. I've added key points from the sources in this article to create a sense of curiosity within you for further study. You decide what to do, how to think, and how to act. Your very life depends on it! As we mature into Sonship, we govern our own lives within a community of believers to help keep us in balance. We're responsible for doing the work rather than relying on a preacher to dictate what we're to believe. If we don't question what we're being taught, we'll never fully understand a truth. Many sources (below) are mixed with non-Christian beliefs but adhere to Christian ideals. What the materials point to is HOW the early church functioned and what beliefs led to what we know as the church today. 

Del, June 2024


The third source (below) will take a very long time to go through but appears to be a complete list of accepted scholarly materials written and available at the time of the early church, including Gnostic sources. It's important to understand the mindset of those living at the time of Jesus to grasp how the church was established to begin with. Therefore, many of the writings are from non-Christian sources but do provide an historical perspective. Happy researching!


age of Aquarius, church age, Constantine, Early church history, Gnostics, kingdom age

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